aggie io crap in goofy ahh art hell hole

im in your walls ;)

Me omw to draw my oc on every Christmas magma/aggie lmao


come to the link below and draw whatever you'd like! :D

you can draw your character, decorations, or literally anything!

the collab ends on christmas eve and I'll post it on november 25th :)

Magma with some friends and random people

(ft. @NotStave @Lazyman0909 @Pluo @Astral_Complex )

Aggie I did with @WingedKing @ForestTheFrozen @Syxusty @NotStave and @TK_Nova01

We did this in October but I forgor 💀

sorry for the ping guys TvT

here is some drawings in aggie I've done with

@BleachdrinkerAxl @Darknight__ and little er

Magma with @bentreality lol